Friday, September 18, 2009

1st Ever hapa bento Contest!

I hope this isn't too corny of an idea. I'll be gone and without bento boxes to post we need to somehow continue our entertainment. Right? So without further delay here it is.

Small print first:

1. Friends, Family and Coworkers can participate but cannot win. You'll read why in a bit.
2. Multiple entries are fine. The more you enter the better the chance of winning.
3. Let's keep it fun.

Contest Description:

1. Post a link to your bento photo in the comments below. This must be a bento that YOU created recently. No grabbing cute bento pics from the World Wide Web.

2. There are no rules for the type of bento. The winner will be selected randomly.

3. Here's the fun part. Along with your photo link, you must email me with the name of the place I'm headed for my vacation. (hence, no family, friends, etc. you guys know where I'm going)

4. The contest ends at Midnight PDT, Sept. 26, 2009.

5. At that time I will round up all the correct answers and corresponding photos then randomly select by "robotic arm" the winning entry. The winner will be notified by email and posted here.

6. Here's the prize, which I will mail to the winner anywhere in the world.
  • 1 single tier bento box with 4 colored lift out sections.
  • 1 bitter and milk, Yamanaka 2 tiered box with band and bag.
  • picks,star shaped cutters, furikake containers, squeeze bottles, cups and partitions

I've left many clues to my destination on this blog, twitter, Foodbuzz, my facebook page and I will be posting more hints later.

The contest starts now. Ask any questions (except where I'm going ) in the comments below.

Thanks and have fun!