Sunday, October 11, 2009
Egg Foo Young Bento Box
I broke out the wok for today's featured bento box. Egg Foo Young, Sweet Sour "Pork", and "Beef" Stir Fry. All vegetarian! Fake meat. Instead of pork or beef, I used seitan or some folks call it "wheat meat". These "stir fry" recipes are basic, tried and true, and can be interchanged with any type of protien. Really. The Egg Foo Young is veggie too, with carrots, onions, and bean sprouts. A Halloween pick holds both colors of sliced sweet potatoes. I cannot however, proclaim this a vegetarian bento as there is a small slice of chikuwa holding the carrot bouquet. It was the last piece in the fridge and Saba Man is omniverous so I gave it a home. One regret... I should of used snow peas instead of edamame for garnish, but that's all I had.

Bento Box,
egg foo young,
wheat meat